How Spotify Optimized the Largest Dataflow Job Ever for Wrapped 2020

By Spotify Engineering - 2021-02-11


Spotify’s official technology blog


  • In this post we’ll discuss how Spotify optimized and sped up elements from our largest Dataflow job, Wrapped 2019, for Wrapped 2020 using a technique called Sort Merge Bucket (SMB) join.
  • Introduction Shuffle is the core building block for many big data transforms, such as a join, GroupByKey, or other reduce operations.
  • Additionally, it must match up bucket files across partitions as well as across different sources, while ensuring that the CoGbkResult output correctly groups data from all partitions of a source into the same TupleTag key.
  • As a nice side effect of data being bucketed and sorted by key, we observed ~50% reduction in storage from better compression due to collocation of similar records.



  1. Backend (0.4)
  2. UX (0.24)
  3. Database (0.19)

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