How AI Will Impact Organizational Structures

By Medium - 2019-04-08


Artificial Intelligence is necessitating changing organizational structures and the creation of new roles, just as the internet did post-Netscape. The first International Conference on the World Wide…


  • Artificial Intelligence is necessitating changing organizational structures and the creation of new roles, just as the internet did post-Netscape.
  • Initially, we will see the integration (or destruction) of traditional business and technology silos to allow the cooperation and data aggregation that is critical to running AI programs.
  • New AI projects need close alignment to the challenges of the business and means to measure success.
  • Roles like Chief AI Officer, AI Strategist, and AI Product Manager will emerge to ensure data collection and AI use case identification all tie back to the corporate strategy.



  1. Backend (0.26)
  2. Machine_Learning (0.19)
  3. Management (0.14)

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