Giving Everybody Their Brain Back

By Corporate Rebels - 2020-11-04


I was sitting with the CEO of a company in a traditional top-down hierarchy who was complaining that people just weren’t stepping up and taking responsibility to make the business successful. As we we ...


  • I was sitting with the CEO of a company in a traditional top-down hierarchy who was complaining that people just weren’t stepping up and taking responsibility to make the business successful.
  • Nobody gets to avoid adulting at work.
  • Allow and require (some people won’t want to be adults at work right away) everyone to make decisions, and to do so in community via Two-Step Decision-making.
  • In the part of the world I live in (Europe, Portugal), micro-companies represent 98% of the business fabric and their owners tend to see the company as theirselves.



  1. Management (0.19)
  2. Machine_Learning (0.12)
  3. UX (0.11)

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