Stop asking your users what they want

By Medium - 2021-01-27


If you’re making and selling a product, you need to know your customers. After all, they’re the people you’re trying to make happy, so it pays to know what’ll be good for them. User interviews are a…


  • Four common questions you should avoid to improve the quality of your user interviews If you’re making and selling a product, you need to know your customers.
  • Sometimes you’ll show them things like prototypes to gain further insights.
  • The thing you’re trying to measure is if the feature you’ve designed will solve known pain points in certain situations.
  • It also helps to do some research and write a script that asks questions that are relevant to your interviewees.



  1. UX (0.65)
  2. Management (0.11)
  3. NLP (0.07)

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