A swiss cheese model for reducing biases in user research

By Medium - 2020-12-27


Every accident has underlying factors behind its occurrence. Those factors are usually human or design-related which causes slips and mistakes, which cause the accident. Sometimes we detect the right…


  • Developing a model to reduce the impact of cognitive biases in User Research.
  • All layers are important because no layer can be perfect, so working on these cheese layers(precautions) and adding more layers is what the Swiss Cheese model suggests us to avoid accidents.
  • For Example — If the respondent know that the moderator is from the research team from the company and the moderator started of the aim of the research like “ I want to see how our expert users behave with the product” just to make the respondent happy as everyone likes to be praised.
  • We can keep adding more slices to the model in the form of more guidelines/precautions.



  1. UX (0.52)
  2. NLP (0.1)
  3. Backend (0.1)

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