How To Set Up Tailwind CSS In Django On Heroku

By Matt Layman - 2020-12-06


In this quick article, I showed how I set up Tailwind CSS for my Django app on Heroku.


  • How can you set up Tailwind CSS for your Django app on Heroku?
  • I set all of this up and my CSS file went from the huge CDN size to 29kB.
  • Here are the high level steps to set up Tailwind for a Django app on Heroku: Hook The CSS File Into Templates With the Tailwind toolchain in place, I was ready to swap out my CDN version.
  • By outputting the CSS file into the static directory, Django has no problem loading it with its standard static files mechanism.



  1. Frontend (0.22)
  2. UX (0.09)
  3. Backend (0.07)

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