Cybersecurity in 2021: Stopping the madness

By CSO Online - 2021-03-10


The challenges are greater than ever. But security pros have learned a lot – and with luck, the right strategic defenses can help even the highest-value targets withstand severe attacks.


  • The challenges are greater than ever.
  • That goes for companies with many distributed offices as well.
  • An ESG survey cited in the article reveals that nearly half of respondents admitted they release vulnerable code into production on a regular basis.
  • Thanks to Sacolick’s hands-on experience with development teams, he’s able to offer a trove of practical remediations for developer managers to embrace, from explicitly documenting code security acceptance criteria to ensuring version control repositories are fully locked down.



  1. Security (0.35)
  2. Management (0.25)
  3. Backend (0.2)

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