What was the data approach to breaking The FinCEN Files?

By diginomica - 2020-09-24


How do you work backwards from thousands of disconnected PDFs to the 100,000 suspicious financial transactions they’re reporting on? A combination of hard human work, OCR, data analysis and graph.


  • These SARs were originally leaked to Buzzfeed News, then passed along to ICIJ and its global network of journalist volunteers to unravel.
  • ‘ Much of that work was automated, but not all of it could be, so Linkurious was in turn used by 85 non-data specialist volunteer journalist helpers in 30 countries to go the next step and deepen understanding of the questionable activities the SARs were pointing to.
  • I used to be an investigative reporter, based in Venezuela, where there are big issues around lack of access to information.



  1. Database (0.39)
  2. Backend (0.34)
  3. Machine_Learning (0.16)

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