QuickGraph#17 The English WordNet in Neo4j (part 2)

By Jesús Barrasa - 2021-02-05


In this second post on WordNet on Neo4j I will be focusing on querying and analysing the graph that we created in the previous post. I'll leave for a third one more advanced analysis and integrations ...


  • In this second post on WordNet on Neo4j I will be focusing on querying and analysing the graph that we created in the previous post.
  • Lexical concepts with many words to express them It gets more interesting when we traverse our pattern in the opposite direction.
  • Let’s say I want to get all the ways to express the concept “being unsuccessful” or any of the more specific variant (hyponyms) of the concept?
  • The length of the shortest path connecting them is low, but if we look at the detail, we see that the path in question traverses the antonym relationship.



  1. Database (0.35)
  2. Backend (0.17)
  3. NLP (0.15)

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