Machine Learning with R: A Complete Guide to Linear Regression

By R-bloggers - 2020-12-24


Linear Regression with R Chances are you had some prior exposure to machine learning and statistics. Basically, that's all linear regression is – a simple


  • Introduction to Linear Regression Linear regression is a simple algorithm developed in the field of statistics.
  • The predictions can then be obtained by applying the simple_lr_predict() function to the vector X – they should all line on a single straight line.
  • After the model is trained, you can call the summary() function to see how well it performed on the training set.
  • As an additional step, you can combine actual values and predictions into a single data frame, just so the evaluation becomes easier.



  1. Machine_Learning (0.19)
  2. NLP (0.06)
  3. Backend (0.06)

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