The 6 Emerging Tech Trends That You Need to Know About Now From Futurist Amy Webb

By - 2021-03-17


Expect rapid advancements in artificial intelligence and augmented reality, as well as big tech diving further into health care and consumer finance. Don't get left behind.


  • Expect rapid advancements in artificial intelligence and augmented reality, as well as big tech diving further into health care and consumer finance.
  • While Silicon Valley isn't going anywhere, there will be an impact as companies like Facebook, Shopify, Twitter, Square, and Slack promise to let their workers continue to work from home past the pandemic's end.
  • Covid-19 accelerated the adoption of telehealth and smart fitness, so expect more advancements in this space from both big tech and startups.
  • Antitrust action may fail to keep up with big tech's moves.



  1. Backend (0.21)
  2. Management (0.16)
  3. Machine_Learning (0.06)

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