Getting Started with 5 Essential Natural Language Processing Libraries

By KDnuggets - 2021-03-13


This article is an overview of how to get started with 5 popular Python NLP libraries, from those for linguistic data visualization, to data preprocessing, to multi-task functionality, to state of the ...


  • This article is an overview of how to get started with 5 popular Python NLP libraries, from those for linguistic data visualization, to data preprocessing, to multi-task functionality, to state of the art language modeling, and beyond.
  • Though this does a fine job of explaining in a few words what you might use this library for, the following answer to the question of "why TextHero?"
  • A tool for finding distinguishing terms in corpora, and presenting them in an interactive, HTML scatter plot.



  1. NLP (0.44)
  2. Backend (0.18)
  3. Machine_Learning (0.14)

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