Which of these 6 time traps is eating up all your time?

By ideas.ted.com - 2020-11-05


By identifying which of these is consuming your minutes and hours, you can start carving out more happy and meaningful moments for yourself, says time and happiness researcher Ashley Whillans.


  • There is an 8 out of 10 chance that you are one of the poorest people in the world.
  • Most likely, these interruptions are randomly distributed throughout your hour so the hour of leisure becomes several smaller chunks, sometimes only five or six minutes long.
  • If anything, once people make a lot of money — $105,000/year in the United States — they start thinking they are doing worse in life.
  • In fact, when we feel busy, studies show that we take on small, easy-to-complete tasks because they help us feel more control over our time.



  1. Machine_Learning (0.07)
  2. Management (0.03)
  3. Backend (0.02)

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