How Tech is Shaping the Future of Finance

By Entrepreneur - 2021-02-15


Finance and technology, now dubbed fintech, presents opportunities for entrepreneurs with innovative solutions.


  • Technology and finance have always been intertwined, from the invention of the abacus to make financial calculations easier to the mammoth supercomputers that are used to drive complex financial models today.
  • Apart from increasing access, technology has also driven a variety of drastic changes to financial systems around the world and in some cases, upturning entire sectors as in the case of mobile investment apps and stockbrokers.
  • Open banking is reported to have generated $7.29 billion in 2018 and is expected to reach $43.15 billion by 2026.
  • Regtech As fintech companies have continued to build solutions on new technology, governments and their regulatory agencies around the world have been playing catch-up with new rules and regulations to cover each new advancement.



  1. Backend (0.38)
  2. Security (0.18)
  3. Stock (0.15)

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