When UX intersects with poetry. Way finding your user interviews with

By Medium - 2020-11-29


Everyone in design and research knows that there is no way we can get around user interviews. They are an integral part of the design cycle but let’s be honest, it is a tedious process. How many…


  • · When UX intersects with poetry Wayfinding your user interviews with art.
  • If you are working in a team you might have one interviewer and one note-taker balancing the load and making sure you got everything down correctly.
  • This helps in identifying the overall message.
  • Students weighed in after the activity was done - I felt the activity was therapeutic in a sense and pretty different from typical activities.



  1. UX (0.65)
  2. Management (0.16)
  3. Machine_Learning (0.09)

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