How Empathy Can Be a Software Developer's Superpower

By Simple Programmer - 2017-07-26


Having empathy can be a secret weapon for software developers. It helps us see things from others points of view and allows us to solve problems.


  • How Empathy Can Be a Software Developer’s Superpower It’s challenging at times to remember the men, women, and even Internet trolls who will eventually use our products.
  • Empathy is understanding and being sensitive to the experiences of others.
  • Some developers are happy throwing problems over the fence to QA, IT, or Customer Support.
  • But by using empathy as your secret weapon, you’ll be able to relate to the needs of your co-workers and give them the leadership they need to be a great team.



  1. Management (0.34)
  2. UX (0.05)
  3. NLP (0.04)

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