facebook/wav2vec2-base-960h · Hugging Face

By huggingface - 2021-02-08


We’re on a journey to solve and democratize artificial intelligence through natural language.


  • We show for the first time that learning powerful representations from speech audio alone followed by fine-tuning on transcribed speech can outperform the best semi-supervised methods while being conceptually simpler.
  • wav2vec 2.0 masks the speech input in the latent space and solves a contrastive task defined over a quantization of the latent representations which are jointly learned.
  • Experiments using all labeled data of Librispeech achieve 1.8/3.3 WER on the clean/other test sets.
  • This demonstrates the feasibility of speech recognition with limited amounts of labeled data.



  1. Backend (0.3)
  2. Database (0.15)
  3. Machine_Learning (0.14)

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