Why Your Role as a Leader Is Best Defined By Being Undefined

By Inc.com - 2021-02-06


In order to be effective, you must walk away from any one job function. Here are three ways to expand your goals and be a leader that works above your business.


  • Stop being the quarterback, and start being the head coach.
  • But as a leader, what is far more important than any title is being whatever is needed that day.
  • Sometimes this means your role is to be a CEO, to be a co-worker's friend, to be an expert, or to be the martyr and take the brunt of the blow, even if it wasn't yours to take.
  • Yet, as a founder and leader, you must want more for yourself.



  1. Management (0.3)
  2. Security (0.07)
  3. NLP (0.05)

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