8 databases supporting in-database machine learning

By InfoWorld - 2021-02-19


While approaches and capabilities differ, all of these databases allow you to build machine learning models right where your data resides.


  • While approaches and capabilities differ, all of these databases allow you to build machine learning models right where your data resides.
  • After AutoML training, Redshift ML compiles the best model and registers it as a prediction SQL function in your Redshift cluster.
  • You can perform feature engineering with BigQuery ML by using the TRANSFORM clause in your CREATE MODEL statement.
  • If you have so much data that you might otherwise have to fit models on a sampled subset, however, then any of these databases might help you to build models from the full dataset without incurring serious overhead for data export.



  1. Backend (0.46)
  2. Machine_Learning (0.32)
  3. Database (0.19)

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