How to Organize Data Labeling for Machine Learning: Approaches and Tools

By KDnuggets - 2020-12-06


The main challenge for a data science team is to decide who will be responsible for labeling, estimate how much time it will take, and what tools are better to use.


  • If there was a data science hall of fame, it would have a section dedicated to labeling.
  • Tasks like categorization of images of cars for computer vision projects, for instance, won’t be time-consuming and can be accomplished by a staff with ordinary — not arcane — knowledge.
  • Sometimes mistakes in annotations can happen due to a language barrier or a work division.
  • Outsourcing to companies Instead of hiring temporary employees or relying on a crowd, you can contact outsourcing companies specializing in training data preparation.



  1. Management (0.2)
  2. Backend (0.2)
  3. NLP (0.13)

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