Here’s how you can set up a successful AI team - ET CIO

By - 2021-03-22


Domain expertise and technical expertise continue to be the major areas to focus on while developing your AI team


  • Here’s how you can set up a successful AI team Artificial Intelligence is one of the most powerful technologies out there.
  • AI though revolutionary in itself is an enabler that needs to be used effectively to achieve business objectives.
  • The domain expert on the other hand, helps generate relevant hypothesis, interpret and present industry level insights from the data and tell whether the application of AI has helped improve the business outcome.
  • Freelancers As businesses have realized the importance and power of AI in transforming their business, the demand for AI talent has increased exponentially but the growth in availability of AI talent has been much slower as people require time to reskill/upskill in new technology.



  1. Management (0.19)
  2. Machine_Learning (0.13)
  3. Backend (0.06)

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