Check your Zoom background to remove sensitive personal-identifying items (or go virtual)

By TechRepublic - 2021-02-04


Opening up a window into your home workspace may be riskier than you think as hackers target employees to infiltrate corporate networks.


  • Opening up a window into your home workspace may be riskier than you think as hackers target employees to infiltrate corporate networks.
  • Anything that shows names, numbers, or addresses could be helpful to hackers looking to steal your personal information, according to Mat Newfield, Unisys chief security infrastructure officer.
  • and the person replied, 'There's a bill behind you that has your name on it and it has Connecticut in the address."
  • TechRepublic submitted three screenshots of a reporter's working environment at home and Newfield said he didn't see any security risks when he blew up the images. "



  1. Security (0.25)
  2. Backend (0.19)
  3. Management (0.19)

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