Network Security Predictions 2021: 5G, IoT, ML and More

By Palo Alto Networks Blog - 2021-01-15


Network security predictions for 2021 include trends in SASE, IoT Security, machine learning, 5G security, data protection and more.


  • Orthogonal Matrix What is an Orthogonal Matrix?
  • In terms of geometry, orthogonal means that two vectors are perpendicular to each other.
  • Additionally you may select any two rows and find that the same property holds, as the transpose of an orthogonal matrix is itself an orthogonal matrix.
  • Because the transpose preserves the determinant, it is easy to show that the determinant of an orthogonal matrix must be equal to 1 or -1.



  1. Backend (0.33)
  2. Machine_Learning (0.23)
  3. Security (0.22)

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