Amazon EKS: Deploying a NodeJS app using Docker and K8s on AWS

By GeekyAnts Tech Blog - 2021-03-12


Hey guys, today we will deploy a NodeJS app on Amazon EKS using the cutting edge Docker & K8s in the DevOps sphere. What is Docker? Docker is an open platform for developing, shipping and running appl


  • Deploying a NodeJS app using Docker and K8s on AWS Hey guys, today we will deploy a NodeJS app on Amazon EKS using the cutting edge Docker & K8s in the DevOps sphere.
  • Dockerfile -> A Dockerfile is a text document that contains all the commands a user can use to assemble an image.
  • Amazon EKS is a managed service that helps make it easier to run Kubernetes on AWS.
  • Create a VPC (Stack in CloudFormation) Virtual Private Cloud is a private subsection of AWS that we can control.



  1. Backend (0.34)
  2. UX (0.06)
  3. Management (0.03)

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