Your first 90 days as CTO or VP Engineering.

By lethain - 2021-03-03


Whenever I transition to a new opportunity, I think about how to “start well.” How can I ramp up as effectively as possible? How do I balance the urge to “show value” immediately with making the right ...


  • If we had to create a short list of the top onboarding traps that new executives fall into, rushing to make changes before understanding the problem’s shape is undoubtedly the first.
  • Study how these work in your new organization.
  • Surprisingly few companies have a written technologystrategy, so start documenting what you learn about the implicit technology strategy into a document and share those notes back to the team – is this the technology strategy we want?



  1. Management (0.45)
  2. Machine_Learning (0.19)
  3. Backend (0.12)

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