Machine Learning in Production. Using Google Cloud Functions (Part

By Medium - 2020-12-25


This is going to be the last article in this series where we will explore Google Cloud Functions as our third option of choice when deploying machine learning models. In the previous articles, we…


  • Machine Learning in Production Using Google Cloud Functions (Part-3) This is going to be the last article in this series where we will explore Google Cloud Functions as our third option of choice when deploying machine learning models.
  • Go ahead and update the requirements for the cloud function, I will be using the below two packages.
  • tensorflow==2.1.0google-cloud-storage==1.35.0 Next we need to implement our cloud function which will be responsible for Downloading the model from cloud-storage bucket Loading the model using tensorflow Handle incoming requests and respond with predictions Let’s first write code to download the model Here we are first creating the download-directory for our model, after that, we are getting the files from the bucket and downloading them.
  • Lastly, we need to handle the incoming requests and respond with model predictions.



  1. Backend (0.44)
  2. Machine_Learning (0.13)
  3. NLP (0.1)

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