Gartner: The future of AI is not as rosy as some might think

By TechRepublic - 2021-01-27


A Gartner report predicts that the second-order consequences of widespread AI will have massive societal impacts, to the point of making us unsure if and when we can trust our own eyes.


  • Gartner has released a series of Predicts 2021 research reports, including one that outlines the serious, wide-reaching ethical and social problems it predicts artificial intelligence (AI) to cause in the next several years.
  • Generative AI, for example, is now able to create amazingly realistic photographs of people and objects that don't actually exist; How businesses can respond Concerns over AI's effect on privacy and truth are sure to be major topics in the coming years if Gartner's analysts are accurate in their predictions, and successful businesses will need to be ready to adapt quickly to those concerns.
  • We are now entering a zero-trust world.



  1. Machine_Learning (0.12)
  2. Security (0.08)
  3. Backend (0.05)

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