Microsoft Azure ADF - Dynamic Pipelines

By SQLServerCentral - 2021-03-09


Azure Data Factory (ADF) is a cloud based data integration service that allows you to create data-driven workflows in the cloud for orchestrating and


  • Azure Data Factory (ADF) is a cloud based data integration service that allows you to create data-driven workflows in the cloud for orchestrating and automating data movement and data transformation.
  • For the dynamic pipeline config settings, I will talk about the first pipeline, the Router data factory pipeline.
  • This means config is not available and it makes no sense to move further in the pipeline.
  • The property, useSourceFileName, has a value “true” or “false”, which will be looked at in the Data Factory in this ‘IF condition’.



  1. Backend (0.51)
  2. Database (0.18)
  3. Security (0.1)

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