Drowning in Data? How To Ensure Your Data Strategy Isn't Hurting Your Brand?

By CMSWire.com - 2021-03-16


Not all data is valuable or actionable and discerning which is which can be hard. Learn to craft a successful data strategy that can help a brand learn to swim.


  • Data is coming in from different channels, mobile devices, IoT devices, to the point where it is often overwhelming.
  • For brands that need to sift through all the data that is created through their various channels, including social media, email, websites, apps, sales inquiries, customer service tickets, surveys, and brick-and-mortar storefronts, a data strategy is required to separate good data from useless data.
  • If your foundational data structure is solid, you can’t overuse data and it reduces the possibility that you will misuse your data,” he said.
  • “ When it comes down to it, data must deliver a positive business outcome such as revenue, profit, customer value, churn reduction or some such combination of these metrics.



  1. Backend (0.37)
  2. Database (0.2)
  3. Security (0.12)

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