Learning Data Science From the Perspective of a Proficient Developer

By Medium - 2020-12-08


As you know, data science, and more specifically machine learning, is very much en vogue now, so guess what? I decided to enroll in a MOOC to become fluent in data science. But when you start with a…


  • Getting started with data science when you’re already a strong dev As you know, data science, and more specifically machine learning, is very much en vogue now, so guess what?
  • The least you can do is always look at the data before interpreting results.
  • If you want to set breakpoints or use single-step execution more comfortably, you will need an IDE (integrated development environment) that supports interactive debugging, like Visual Studio Code or PyCharm.
  • For instance, DVC (we have already met it previously) provides you with a mechanism to capture data pipelines — series of data processes that produce a final result.



  1. Backend (0.42)
  2. Machine_Learning (0.24)
  3. Database (0.22)

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