Building Microservices Through Event-Driven Architecture, Part 6: Implementing EventSourcing on Domain Model

By - 2020-12-22


In part six of this popular series, Leye discusses Event Sourcing implementation on Domain Model in microservices.


  • During this journey, I will talk about Event Sourcing implementation on Domain Model. "
  • Separate everything about writing or changes (command) from everything about the reading of the state of the Domain Model (Query).
  • Here is the final implementation of the test.
  • AddDomainEvent With Valid Version Then UncommittedEvents Should Be Single Here I verify that when I apply an event, then the event should be the only event that belongs to the list of uncommitted events.



  1. NLP (0.22)
  2. UX (0.2)
  3. Backend (0.17)

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