Learn how to run #Kafka Connect worker for #Confluent #Cloud
- Running a self-managed Kafka Connect worker for Confluent Cloud Confluent Cloud is not only a fully-managed Apache Kafka service, but also provides important additional pieces for building applications and pipelines including managed connectors, Schema Registry, and ksqlDB.
- This can be automated, or run manually.
- Launches the Kafka Connect worker (forked to a background process with &) Waits for the worker to be available Creates the connector Observe that topic.creation.default.partitions and topic.creation.default.replication.factor are set - this means that Confluent Cloud will create the target topics that the connector is to write to automagically.
- But (you knew there was a but coming, didn’t you), we also need to specify environment variables, and not just a few - and not just with straightforward values.