Generation Z Has Entered the Workforce. Here's What You Need to Understand About Them

By StartUp Mindset - 2017-07-18


Have you seen the current list of things that Millennials have ruined? Before I even filled in the Google search bar, it suggested that they had ruined not only brunch and America, but everything. We’ ...


  • Generation Z Has Entered the Workforce.
  • While Millennials are the target generation du jour for marketers, politicians, corporations, and Baby Boomers, they are quickly becoming replaced in conversation by Generation Z.
  • This young cohort of individuals born after Millennials.
  • While the cutoff dates are hazy among any generational definition, Gen Z typically refers to those born 1996 and after.
  • The rate of 94% more engagement reflects patterns among all generations, and it may be safe to assume that the engagement rate for Gen Z is even higher.



  1. UX (0.13)
  2. NLP (0.1)
  3. Security (0.04)

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