Lessons from a Company That’s Been Remote Working Successfully Since

By Medium - 2021-03-22


Before the lockdowns hit the US, in March just 2% of office workers logged on from home. By May, more than two-thirds of Americans were remote working. In July 2020, Lenovo published findings from a…


  • 2014 7 tips to help your team thrive when working remotely Before the lockdowns hit the US, in March just 2% of office workers logged on from home.
  • At GitLab, employees are encouraged to spend a few hours a week having social calls with others in the company.
  • If done well, GitLab has found that meetings can be eliminated, and problems solved by brainstorming in writing rather than by attending long-winded sessions.



  1. Management (0.41)
  2. Security (0.1)
  3. Backend (0.07)

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