Targeted adversarial attacks with Keras and TensorFlow

By PyImageSearch - 2020-10-26


In this tutorial, you will learn how to perform targeted adversarial attacks and construct targeted adversarial images using Keras, TensorFlow, and Deep Learning. Last week’s tutorial covered untarget ...


  • Accepting an input image and determining its class label using a pre-trained CNN Step #2: Figure 1 of Explaining and Harnessing Adversarial Examples) The gist is that adversarial images are purposely constructed to fool pre-trained models.
  • Here, we input the image of a “pig” — the adversarial attack algorithm then perturbs the input image such that it’s misclassified as a “wombat”, but again, we did not specify what the target class label should be (and frankly, the untargeted algorithm doesn’t care, as long as the input image is now incorrectly classified).
  • Reader Interactions Before you leave a comment... Hey, Adrian here, author of the PyImageSearch blog.



  1. Machine_Learning (0.39)
  2. Security (0.27)
  3. Backend (0.12)

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