So, a programmer, a frequentist, and a bayesian walk into a bar. No this post isn’t really on the path to some politically incorrect ste ..." /> So, a programmer, a frequentist, and a bayesian walk into a bar. No this post isn’t really on the path to some politically incorrect ste ..." /> So, a programmer, a frequentist, and a bayesian walk into a bar. No this post isn’t really on the path to some politically incorrect ste ..." />

Comparing Frequentist, Bayesian and Simulation methods and conclusions

By R-bloggers - 2019-05-22


So, a programmer, a frequentist, and a bayesian walk into a bar. No this post isn’t really on the path to some politically incorrect ste ...


  • So, a programmer, a frequentist, and a bayesian walk into a bar.
  • In practice, most Bayesian data analysts tend not to talk in terms of the raw posterior probabilities.
  • At the end of the Bayesian’s efforts they can make what feel like very natural statements of interest, for example, “The evidence provided by our data corresponds to odds of 42:1 that these runners are not all equally fast.
  • Running this code snippet essentially combines what we know in both directions of the hypothesis.



  1. Backend (0.35)
  2. Database (0.18)
  3. Machine_Learning (0.11)

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