7 Ways Your Data Is Telling You It’s a Graph

By Neo4j Graph Database Platform - 2015-12-23


Watch (or read) Senior Project Manager Karen Lopez’s GraphConnect presentation on the signs that your data is actually a graph and needs a graph database.


  • JavaScript is disabled on your browser.
  • When you learn about query languages in general, because it’s a demo or presentation, you see really simple relational query things like, “Show me all the orders and their order lines.” A Note on Master Data Management Master data is also a graph because I can ask important questions about customers, but I can also de-duplicate customer data based not only on syntax – like how a name is spelled and what phone numbers are associated with that name – but through the use of other patterns, such as the number and type of interactions.
  • The way you have explained about the DATA and its Graph.



  1. Database (0.38)
  2. Backend (0.33)
  3. Security (0.11)

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