Building Asp.Net Core Applications With an Angular Frontend Using Docker

By Medium - 2020-10-20


Running .Net Core applications with a frontend SPA framework like Angular or React is now as simple as using one of the built-in templates in Visual Studio. Visual Studio also provides excellent…


  • Net Core Applications With an Angular Frontend Using Docker Running .Net Core applications with a frontend SPA framework like Angular or React is now as simple as using one of the built-in templates in Visual Studio.
  • Give the project a name and click create.
  • Although this is working, we can make the process run faster by deploying an image of the build container with nodejs installed in it.
  • Thanks Richard Collette for the tip) To use it, revert the docker file build section to use this image and add the step to run unit tests, like so, Medium is an open platform where 170 million readers come to find insightful and dynamic thinking.



  1. Backend (0.16)
  2. Frontend (0.09)
  3. Coding (0.06)

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