IaaS vs. CaaS vs. PaaS vs. FaaS vs. SaaS — What’s the difference

By Medium - 2021-01-03


IaaS, CaaS, PaaS, FaaS and SaaS are all different categories of cloud computing services. Cloud computing services help you offload/outsource management of your networking, storage, HVAC…


  • ?
  • As a Business model IaaS is a business model that contrary to the classic buying of computer infrastructure (“My server is in my basement”), makes it possible to rent it when required (on demand).
  • that are supported by the PaaS provider.
  • The solution provider has access to user behavior within the application (usually via web analytics), making it easier to identify areas worthy of improvement.



  1. Backend (0.46)
  2. Management (0.18)
  3. UX (0.09)

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