Deep learning with Python for crack detection

By Medium - 2021-03-03


While new technologies have changed almost every aspect of our lives, the construction field seems to be struggling to catch up. Currently, the structural condition of a building is still…


  • Using Artificial Intelligence to bring the inspection of structures to the 21st century!
  • Artificial Intelligence takes the lead, and more specifically, D3eep Learning (DL) by training our machines to be able to replace the human in the tedious task of detecting cracks on photos of structures.
  • The focus of our work is the detection of cracks on photos from masonry surfaces both on patch and pixel level.
  • Due to this imbalance, if special measures are not taken, the network tends to become overconfident in predicting the background class which could lead to misclassifications of cracks and numerous false negatives.



  1. Machine_Learning (0.35)
  2. Security (0.15)
  3. Backend (0.14)

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