Why can't Europe create a social media giant

By Sifted - 2021-02-17


Clubhouse is taking Europe by storm, and nobody loves it more than the tech community. So why can't we build our own social media giant?


  • Clubhouse is taking Europe by storm, and nobody loves it more than the tech community.
  • not only do they not have access to as much capital (although it’s getting better), they also don’t have the local precedents that would make them serene when tackling a challenge like backing a social media platform aimed at the global market.
  • “ And so if Europe, as a continent, shuns social media as a potential playground for building new companies, not only will it miss the opportunity to see social applications emerge that are more in sync with the European context and way of life, it will also be left out of all the upstream value that comes with high technology developing in the US and China.
  • I consider that European founders tend to lean towards building things that wider & better societal implications.



  1. UX (0.14)
  2. Stock (0.14)
  3. Management (0.13)

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