SEER: The start of a more powerful, flexible, and accessible era for computer vision

By facebook - 2021-03-05


The future of AI is in creating systems that can learn directly from whatever information they’re given — whether it’s text, images, or another type of...


  • RESEARCH COMPUTER VISION SEER: Self-supervised computer vision in the real world Our work with SEER parallels work done in NLP, where state-of-the-art models now regularly use trillions of parameters and data sets with trillions of words of text for pretraining.
  • Furthermore, the same concept will vary greatly between images, such as with a cat in different poses or viewed from different angles.
  • Fortunately, recent progress by Facebook AI and others in the fields of self-supervised learning and ConvNet architecture design has finally made it possible to apply these ideas to computer vision — though we still needed to overcome several challenges, not least of which was the compute capabilities required.



  1. Machine_Learning (0.38)
  2. NLP (0.21)
  3. Backend (0.19)

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