Building the future of MedTech with AI | Thought Leadership

By Russell Reynolds Associates - 2021-01-18


Articles like Building the future of MedTech with AI from Russell Reynolds Associates can provide you with insights and expertise to help navigate difficult organizational challenges. Read more.


  • Building the future of MedTech with AI ​The business implications for artificial intelligence (AI) are significant, driving gains end-to-end across industries and functions.
  • To close this gap, executives need to recognize that implementing AI is not just about the technology and that an investment in AI talent is also necessary.3 AI promises to be a powerful tool in MedTech.
  • Furthermore, job specifications often come with a directive to find people who have had exposure to regulated industries, limiting the candidate pool.
  • First, we look for leaders with deep knowledge in both AI technologies and the domain of their particular industry.



  1. Management (0.2)
  2. Machine_Learning (0.08)
  3. Backend (0.02)

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