How to Use AutoKeras for Classification and Regression

By Machine Learning Mastery - 2020-09-01


AutoML refers to techniques for automatically discovering the best-performing model for a given dataset. When applied to neural networks, this involves both discovering the model architecture and the ...


  • AutoML refers to techniques for automatically discovering the best-performing model for a given dataset.
  • In this section, we will develop a model for the Sonar classification dataset for classifying sonar returns as rocks or mines.
  • 64 |-structured_data_block_1/dense_block_2/units_2: I would like to know how can I get network configuration from Hdf5 file here as Autokeras thrown an architecture with custom layer so is it possible to manuallly recreate architecture which autokeras proposes as best architecture.



  1. Machine_Learning (0.32)
  2. NLP (0.19)
  3. Backend (0.16)

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