How to Fetch Data in React: Cheat Sheet + Examples

By - 2021-02-12


There are many ways to fetch data from an external API in React. But which one should you be using for your applications in 2021? In this tutorial, we will be reviewing five of the most commonly used ...


  • How to Fetch Data in React: How to Fetch Data in React Using a Custom React Hook (useFetch) Over time, you may realize that it gets a bit tedious and time-consuming to keep writing the useEffect hook with all of its boilerplate within every component in which you want to fetch data.
  • If our external state hasn't changed, we should ideally not have to show loading state every time we display our component.
  • React Query improves our user experience greatly by trying to serve our data from its cache first and then update the data in the background to display changes if our API state has changed.



  1. Frontend (0.41)
  2. Backend (0.29)
  3. Database (0.14)

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