Open: The Story of Human Progress

By HumanProgress - 2021-02-11


Progress is inevitably related to the number of people who are connected and have a certain freedom to innovate and imitate.


  • The Story of Human Progress Since 2000, global hunger has been reduced by a quarter, child mortality by half and extreme poverty by no less than 70 percent, despite the devastating effects of the pandemic and a worldwide lockdown.
  • When are ancestors had learned how to surround predators on the savannah and kill them with stones, humanity rapidly climbed to the top of the food chain.
  • And it is easy for demagogues to exploit it.
  • We also crave energy-rich foods, and just like this fear of strangers becomes problematic in a world where they are all around us, it is bad for our health to be constantly peckish in a world where food is everywhere.



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