AWS releases SageMaker Studio Data Wrangler

By Medium - 2020-12-07


While the AWS Data Wrangler open source code has been available for some time, AWS has announced that SageMaker Studio now has Data Wrangler built right into the interface. No coding required. That…


  • While the AWS Data Wrangler open source code has been available for some time, AWS has announced that SageMaker Studio now has Data Wrangler built right into the interface.
  • The Setup Once you have AWS and SageMaker set up, Data Wrangler has no additional configurations.
  • What is interesting to me is that AWS recently released DataBrew, but Data Wrangler was used in SageMaker.
  • We will have to watch how AWS involves the machine learning platform and the data prep tools it offers.



  1. Backend (0.44)
  2. Machine_Learning (0.22)
  3. Database (0.15)

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