12 Current AI Trends & Predictions for 2021/2022 According to Experts

By Financesonline.com - 2019-12-04


The most crucial AI trends, from AI applications in Hollywood studios, its impending effects on jobs, along with the move to rein in AI through strict rules


  • Amid the lingering effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, artificial intelligence (AI) either promises unprecedented, sweeping solutions or threatens to supplant humanity in every imaginable way.
  • Minimize Uncertainty with AI As far as organizations are concerned, the most sobering lesson of the pandemic is to be dynamically prepared for uncertainty.
  • The threats mushrooming this early in the introduction of AI in many facets of life are keeping research organizations, advocacy groups, and think-tanks busy to write the future AI handbook of best practices, which is currently in a state of vacuum.
  • Machine learning statistics, for one, show a side of the latest technology in artificial intelligence that expands its possibilities even further.



  1. Machine_Learning (0.11)
  2. Management (0.07)
  3. Backend (0.06)

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