
By GitHub - 2021-03-03


Language model finetuning on NER with an easy interface, and cross-domain evaluation. We released NER models finetuned on various domain via huggingface model hub. - asahi417/tner


  • T-NER T-NER is a python tool for language model finetuning on named-entity-recognition (NER), available via pip.
  • NER_MODEL can be either path to your local model checkpoint directory or model name on transformers model hub.
  • where transformers_model is a pre-trained model name from transformers model hub and dataset is a dataset alias or path to custom dataset explained dataset section.
  • WikiAnn dataset All the datasets should be fetched automatically but not panx_dataset/* dataset, as you need to manually download data from here (note that it will download as to the cache folder, which is ~/.cache/tner as a default but can be changed by cache_dir argument in training instance or inference instance.



  1. NLP (0.23)
  2. Backend (0.07)
  3. Frontend (0.06)

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