Transforming Data Transformation in Java with Local Records

By Billy Korando - 2021-03-10


Data transformation is a common task for Java developers. When moving data from one location to a new one, and this could be from one datastore to another datastore, such as in a ETL batch process, or ...


  • Data transformation is a common task for Java developers.
  • Frameworks are being updated to be compatible with Java 16, and thus Records, and you can view their status here: Records allow for plenty of flexibility, equals(), hashcode(), and the accessor methods of a Record class can all be overwritten if needed.
  • Conclusion Java 16 is scheduled to go GA March 16th and with it fully bring Records to the Java ecosystem.



  1. Coding (0.24)
  2. Backend (0.19)
  3. Database (0.1)

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